Atención a público: Moneda 975, piso 11, Santiago, RM.
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00 hours.

Atención a público: Moneda 975, piso 11, Santiago, RM.

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00 hours.

IP Instituto Nacional de Fútbol – INAF

Process Administrative Sanctions

Sanction: Multa, 190 UTM
State: Ejecutada


Document Date File
Comprobante transacción pago de multa 23.11.2021 Review
Resolución N°469 acoge parcialmente la reposición 11.11.2021 Review
IP INAF presenta reposición 01.10.2021 Review
Resolución N°406 resuelve proceso y sanciona 28.09.2021 Review
Report of the instructor 05.01.2021 Review
IP INAF presenta descargos 29.12.2020 Review
SES charges 17.12.2020 Review
Resolución N°276 ordena proceso administrativo sancionatorio al IP INAF 15.12.2020 Review


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The claim it is the request to the Superintendent for this to intervene as a mediator in the dispute existing between the complainant and any of the institutions of higher education are controlled.

Finalidad del Reclamo:

Propose an alternative solution to the particular problem of the claimant in the event of a mediation that instruct the Superintendent.

Para ingresar un Reclamo ¿qué debo considerar?​

I am the person concerned or the I represent

I have a problem that I have not been able to resolve with an Institution of Higher Education.
I have a history to prove the problem (emails, audios, texts, documents, formal, etc..) with the institution of higher education.

Propose an alternative solution to the particular problem of the claimant in the event of a mediation that instruct the Superintendent.

Etapas del Reclamo

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La denuncia es el acto por medio del cual se pone en conocimiento a la Superintendencia de una eventual irregularidad, con el objeto de que ésta investigue y adopte las medidas que correspondan

Finalidad de la Denuncia:

Apply by the Superintendence sanctions
apply in accordance with the law.

It is important to consider that the complaint does NOT pursue a
solution to the particular problem of the complainant